Sunday, January 3, 2010

Things to do before I turn 50

"In this fast paced life we often forget to the one most important thing.. TO LIVE"

'A phase which is very true and probably relates to all of us...'

How many of us have had the thought..."wish i could go back my days and live the life the way i wanted to.."

Lying down yesterday i had the same thought...Is this the life i would want to look back upon..

On this notion i listed all the things i want to do before i turn 50,things i could look back and say "I lived my Life"

So here it goes..

1. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
2. Climbed a mountain
3. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
4. Been inside the great pyramid
5. Taken a candlelight bath with someone
6. Said "I love you" and ment it
7. Hugged a tree
8. Gone bungee jumping
9. Visited Paris
10. Watched lightening storm at sea
11. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
12. Slept under stars
13. Changed a baby's diaper
14. Taken a trip on a hot air balloon
15. Gotten drunk on champagne
16. Given more than you can afford to charity
17. Wiped somebody's tears
18. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
19. Walked the beach hand in hand with somebody you truly love
20. Had a food fight
21. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
22. Bet on a winning horse
23. Asked out a stranger
24. Screamed as loudly as possible
25. Seen a total eclipse
26. Danced like a fool didn't care who was looking
27. Actually felt happy about your life.even for just a moment
28. Had two hard drives for your computer
29. Taken care of someone who was drunk
30. Had amazing friends
31. Taken a road trip
32. Gone rock climbing
33. Taken a midnight walk
34. Kissed in the rainfall
35. Wrapped in a blanket shared a cup of coffee with someone you love
36. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
37. Alphabetized your CD's
38. Pretended to be a superhero
39. Played in mud
40. Gone to a drive in theatre
41. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
42. Gotten a tattoo
43. Rafted the river
44. Gotten flowers for no reason
45. Been to Las Vegas
46. Kissed on the first date
47. Bought a house
48. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foriegn country
49. Picked up and moved to another city just to start over again
50. Sang loudly in the car, and didn't stop even when you knew somebody was looking with the window open
51. Had a plastic surgery
52. Fired a rifle
53. Had your picture in the newspaper
54. Changed somebody's mind about something you truly cared about
55. Broken somebody's heart
56. Thought to yourself, you are living your own dream
57. Saved somebody's life
58. Been a DJ
59. Built your own pc from parts
60. Helped a couple get married

There goes the things..hoped it stired a thought.. :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"The Ferrule Effect"

Many a times in our practice we come across cases where it becomes hard to react, imagine a patient comes to your office with a post core and the crown in his hand.. What would you do?? make a new more retentive post or do you use a cement which would have a greater tensile strength??
Most of the time we fail to check for a proper "ferrule".

A ferrule effect is defined as the envelopment of the tooth structure by a crown.
According to studies it is shown that 1.5mm of tooth structure is sufficient enough to ensure the transmission of masticatory forces to both the post and tooth. A tooth broken at the gum line offers no form of resistance to transversal forces and thus the post has to take the entire load, in this there is a high chance for the cementation to fail.

When the tooth fractures at the gum line it is important to gain a 1.5mm ferrule by bringing the marginal finishing line of the future restoration more apically. In theory, the marginal finishing line of the crown should be no less than 2 mm from the bony ridge, as there is a risk that it could
lead to an inflammatory response that is commonly known as violation of biological width.
(Biological width is a 1 mm attachment of connective tissue; a 1 mm attachment of epithelial tissue; and a 0.7 mm sulcus depth.)

To obtain an adequate ferrule effect for teeth that are fractured at the gingival level the following can be done

  • Gingivectomy
  • Osteoectomy
  • Orthodontic extrusion
Thus when a post is in position, and receiving lateral forces, the ferrule ensures the dentine is under compression (which it is good at).If the was no ferrule, the dentine would be under tension (which it is poor at), and would fracture. The ferrule effect comes not from the post or core, but from the crown ringing the dentine. Ideally, the ferrule would go down as far as the post.

Dentine prepared to receive ferrule

Post and core done

Crown here provides the ferrule effect. The lateral forces transmitted from the crown to the post cause compression of dentin coronally.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Shade selection in dental practice

Shade selection is one of the most crucial aspect in the field of aesthetic dentistry. Be it a composite build up or ceramic crowns the essence of a success depends on a lot many factors of which shade selection is one of the prime. Shade matching is a much more complicated task than it may look like and is one where there is a high margin of error. This article deals with the problems faced in shade matching and a few ways to a more perfectible esthetic restorations.

The most common error which occurs in matching of a shade is the light condition. Tooth color matching is usually done under different light sources without paying attention to the compatibility of light conditions in dental practice and laboratory. It happens that a dentist matches the color in daylight, while a dental technician,who has different color vision besides, produces the restoration under incandescent light source. Light conditions for tooth shade matching procedure should be standardized and compatible with light conditions in dental laboratory.

Ideal light source for dentistry should have the following characteristics:

a) to be color corrected, i.e. to have a full visible spectra range

b)to have enough intensity to eliminate ambient light, but not to be so strong to “wash” the color and to mask the color differences. The task to ambient light ratio should not succeed 3:1.

c)to be diffuse and pleasant for the eye, enabling it to percept the color without fatigue

d)to be standard, that is not to change its quality and quantity depending on time of the day or season and should not change from place to place.

In color matching procedure, it is necessary to pay attention to viewing geometry and the background and the surrounding. Perception distance, patient's clothes, make up, color of the uniform, equipment, furniture, walls and ceiling of a dental practice are also factors of importance. According to all of this, it is obvious that there are many different factors on which proper color matching depends. Their variability should be reduced to the minimal.

Standard shade matching procedure is well known The tooth color is matched in daylight, using
the shade guide. But this has an incomplete and insufficient information, if added that daylight is not constant itself and the color temperature ratio varies 1:20 depending on the time of the day and meteorological factors, the confusion is complete.
It is important that color selection is done when the patient is first seated in the dental chair because by the end of the appointment, when the patient has held the mouth open with a cotton roll for most of the time dehydration has occurred, altering chroma and value. The teeth will take more than 24 hours to regain their normal characteristics of colour. Along with this , by the end of the appointment the clinician's eyes are fatigued resulting in a lesser ability for adequate shade matching.
For a successful shade natching the patient′s mouth should be leveled with the dentist′s eyes and the Samples from the shade guide should be applied parallel with the tooth whose color is being matched, not in front of it (it will appear lighter), and not behind it (it will appear darker).
Most of the dentist's use a single shade guide for shade matching, though a few studies state that a combination of using two shade guides improve the shade matching capabilities.
It is adviced to match the hue value and chroma seperately and the clinician should not look at the tooth for more than 5 sec. it is also suggested that the clinician should look at a blue surface for a minute after this, which improves the perception of yellow colour.

To improve the communication between dental practice and laboratory, it is suggested that
diagrams, i.e. schemes, should be used. A facial view of the clinical crown is used to indicate the position of the various shades, while a proximal view will tell the technician how the body
and enamel porcelains should be layered. Photographs or slides can be very useful for showing shade gradation and characterization. Photographs can not however, accurately represent
color, but the photograph should show the shade guide in the field and be correctly positioned as a reference point.

The above stated are a few basics for a more successful shade matching, even though with more sophisticated digital shade matching systems, taking a proper shade is much more easier these days but even these should not be the only method for shade taking rather these should be adjuvant to the traditional shade matching system.